How to solve the "hanging in start animation (Gigaset-Logo)"-issue

If a smartphone hangs in the start animation (Gigaset logo), a restart from factory mode might help.

Here are the steps to enter the factory mode:

1. Press the power button for approx. 20sec or remove the battery to switch off the device.

2. Press volume down and power button at the same time.

3. Release the power button when Gigaset Logo of the start animation appears.

4. The screen displays Chinese characters (< Android 13), English characters (since Android 13) for factory mode.

5. Use th volume down button to mark the last menu item Reboot and press power button to confirm.

6. The device will restart.

7. Please carry out all system updates.

       Settings -> System -> System updates -> Check for updates

        Software update / Android™ version / End of update support

< Android 13 chinese menusince Android 13 englisch menu

Translation Chinese characters:

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