How can I access the menu for switching off when I press and hold the on/off button?

What is the Google Assistant and why does it open when I press and hold the on/off button?

The Google Assistant is a voice-controlled virtual assistant that can perform a variety of tasks. These include, for example, answering questions, playing music, controlling smart home devices, sending messages and many more.

With Android 13, the default setting is that the Google Assistant is activated when the on/off button is pressed and held:

How can you set that the menu for switching off opens when the on/off button is pressed and held?

Android 13
1. open the settings
2. click on "Intelligent assistance"3. now click on "Press and hold power button"
4.deactivate the assistant

5. ready

If you now press and hold the on/off button, the menu for switching off appears

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