How do I add widgets to the home screen of my Gigaset smartphone?

A widget is a small program that has a limited functionality. Widgets are usually used to display certain information to the user and are usually there for exactly one thing.

Typical functions of a widget are, for example:

- Displaying the time

- Weather information

- Battery level indicator

Android 11
Android 12
Android 13
1. Long press on the homescreen and click "Widgets"1. Long press on the homescreen and click "Widgets"1. Long press on the homescreen and click "Widgets"
2. Choose and hold a widget

2. Choose and hold a widget

2. Select the appropriate category for the widget.
3. Place it on the homescreen

3. Place it on the homescreen
4. Drop the widget

3. Select a widget and hold it

4. Drop the widget
4. Place the widget on the home screen

5. Release the widget

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