1.) Open a Webbrowser (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge).
2.) Enter www.gigaset-config.com or the IP address of the Gigaset device in the address bar of your browser.
3.) Select the language and enter the Gigaset's system PIN (0000).
4.) Click, on the settings.
5.) On the left side, the menu items are visible.
6.) Click on Phonebook Transfer
7.) Where you have the possibility to transfer your phonebook entries to the PC.
8.) Then, please click on Device Management.
9.) Under Device Management, click on Save Settings.
10.) Save the settings on your PC.
11.) You can upload your data to the Gigaset again using the same procedure.
After you have backed up your data, please log out of the interface in the top right-hand corner.
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