Setting the display duration of system messages - System messages


You have the possibility to adjust the display duration of the system messages in the settings.

System message:

Follow this step by step guide:

Android 11
Android 12
Android 13
1. Open the settings1. Open the settings1. Open the settings
2. ,,Intelligent assistance"2. ,,Intelligent assistance"2. ,,Intelligent assistance"
3. ,,Accessibility"3. ,,Accessibility"3. ,,Accessibility"
4. ,,Time to take action"4. ,,Timing controls"4. ,,Timing controls"
5. Here you can select how long the system message should be displayed.5. ,,Time to take action"5. ,,Time to take action"

6. Here you can select how long the system message should be displayed. 6. Here you can select how long the system message should be displayed. 


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