Installing and uninstalling apps on a Gigaset smartphone


What are apps?

Install apps

Uninstall apps

What are apps?

The many apps (short form for applications) extend the possibilities of using your smartphone. An app is a small computer program that you can simply download and use directly.

Today there is an app for almost every interest.

You can find a good overview in the rankings of the most popular apps in the Google Play Store. You'll find apps from newspapers, social media like Facebook and Instagram, online banking, and public transportation.

Google Play is an online store where you can download all the apps you need.

Note: The first time you start your smartphone, you'll be asked to sign in to Google using your Gmail account. We suggest you register, otherwise you won't be able to download apps. You may be asked to provide a credit card when you register. You don't need to do this, as many apps are free.

Install apps

To install an app, simply follow these step-by-step instructions:

1. Open the Google Play store2. Search for the wanted app3. In this example we are looking for the Gigaset elements App
4. Select the wanted App5. Click "Install"6. Once the installation is complete, you can open the app
7. The app icon will be created on the home screen

Uninstall apps

If you no longer need an installed app, you can easily uninstall it. Follow these step-by-step instructions:

Android 11

Android 12

Android 13

1. Press and hold the icon of the app you want to uninstall1. Press and hold the icon of the app you want to uninstall1. Press and hold the icon of the app you want to uninstall
2. Click "Uninstall"2. Click "Uninstall"2. Click "Uninstall"
3. Confirm with "Ok"3. Confirm with "Ok"3. Confirm with "Ok"

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